Awesome Intelligence is your privacy-preserving map of the next generation’s digital universe

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Solving for a fragmented ecosystem

The u18 digital landscape is rapidly evolving – even faster than for adults.

The traditional means of informing how and where to engage audiences are unavailable when your audiences are made up of kids and teens. Awesome Intelligence solves that data scarcity problem.

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Dealing with data scarcity

Awesome Intelligence’s technology enables brands to understand their under-18 audiences’ interests and motivations in order to effectively connect with them where they are.


Data across qualitative & quantitative research


Tens of thousands of cross-vertical youth campaigns


Insight into emerging creator-led ecosystems


Regulatory expertise


Unlocking new new media

Kids and teens spend increasing amounts of time in immersive and UGC-driven environments, where it’s much more difficult to engage them with traditional approaches. 

Awesome Intelligence gives brands unprecedented clarity into the next generation’s central destinations for socialization, commerce and entertainment.


Cross-platform effectiveness

SuperAwesome’s deep knowledge of Gen Alpha and Gen Z ensures that you engage these audiences successfully, no matter which platform you’re using – all while minimizing wastage by maximizing reach with the right audience.

Awesome Intelligence makes ads and content activated on any one platform more effective because of our combined data on Gen Alpha/Z’s interests and behaviors gleaned from every platform they are in.

Global kids and family industry reports

We provide the most relevant and up-to-date insights on the kids and family sector to help brands shape their strategies to achieve outstanding results, engage with kids and reach the ultimate decision-makers. Download our reports below.

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Want to learn more about how Awesome Intelligence can help you? Reach out now.

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