Hello parent or guardian of a digital kid — we are SuperAwesome.
SuperAwesome makes the Internet safer for kids!
Over 170,000 kids go online every day for the first time.

How do you keep my child safe?
We build technology infrastructure to ensure content creators and any kids’ brands can safely engage online with kids and in full compliance with the law. These products include AwesomeAds, Kids Web Services, PopJam and others.
There are several regulations around the world that are designed to protect the data privacy of kids on the internet, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the US and GDPR-K, the provisions to protect children’s privacy in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU. These laws, and laws currently under consideration in many other countries, prohibit collection of personal data from children and require notification and consent from parents if a company wants to collect personal data from kids.

Advertising from kids’ brands without collection of any personal data, no tracking or so-called behavioural targeting
AwesomeAds uses our patent Kid-Safe Filter to prevent any personal data, such as geolocation, IP address or technical identifiers such as cookies from being collected or shared with anyone.
AwesomeAds also uses a combination of technology and human moderation to ensure that any advertising for children complies with the most stringent advertising guidelines in each country where we operate, including the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) in the US, or the CAP Code in the U.K. Every ad from AwesomeAds is watermarked with the SAFEAD logo, which you can click on to learn more.

A set of technology tools used by content creators and brands to build kid-safe, compliant apps and websites.
Kids Web Services ensures that:
- You have control over what personal information can be collected from your kids.
- No personal information is collected or shared with anyone without your consent.
- The apps or websites your kids sign up to are fully compliant with data privacy laws designed to protect children such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the US or GDPR-K in Europe.
- You are able to easily amend, revoke or delete any personal information you have allowed a website or app to collect from your child.