The Big-Little Family Influencers: How to Harness the Power of Family Co-viewing to Effectively Engage Pre-schoolers

Pre-school brands are navigating a new era, one where the influence of tech-savvy youngsters extends beyond mere toy preferences, impacting entire family purchasing decisions. SuperAwesome’s new research found that a whopping 95% of parents acknowledge their pre-schoolers’ influence on what they buy for them, and 85% say they impact what… Read More

SuperAwesome celebrates Safer Internet Day 2024

This year’s Safer Internet Day theme of ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’ is a call to action to understand and build a safer internet for the next generation. Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety… Read More

New Infographic! The Path to Toy Sales Success

Kids are the driving force behind today’s toy sales, and brands can’t afford to ignore how they’re reshaping the market. Our latest infographic The Path to Toy Sales Success: Winning Strategies for Toy Brands in a Tough Economy is full of new data exploring kids’ influence on family toy purchases… Read More

5 idées clés pour interagir avec les générations Alpha & Z à Noël

La saison des fêtes approche à grands pas, et il est crucial pour les marques de s’adresser directement aux enfants et aux adolescents. Ces générations influencent en effet les achats de leurs parents, et définissent les tendances shopping de cette année. Découvrez cinq informations essentielles afin que votre marque reste en tête des listes de souhaits. (Toutes les données sont spécifiques à la France.) Read More