For over seven years, SuperAwesome has led the way in building and operating non-toxic, kid-focused communities through PopJam. Our aim with PopJam was to create a safe social space made specifically for kids, and we’re proud to say we’ve been able to do that. 

After a period of reflection on how SuperAwesome can most meaningfully impact the digital landscape and create safer online experiences for kids, we’ve decided to sunset PopJam. We will re-prioritize the PopJam team’s efforts to other parts of the business, such as projects like Game With Me (previously known as JAM) and other SuperAwesome and Epic products. PopJam will close on March 8th, 2023 at 10am GMT. 

While we’re sorry to close PopJam’s doors, we’re more excited than ever about the innovation happening in the kidtech space. In the seven years that PopJam has been part of SuperAwesome, we’ve seen the landscape change dramatically. When PopJam was founded, there were very few equivalent platforms. Today we’re pleased to see a range of platforms built just for kids, such as Zigazoo and LEGO Life, and innovations emerging like Epic’s Cabined Accounts, which provide a tailored experience that is safe and inclusive for younger players. 

PopJammers will be able to easily download their art creations in-app until March 7th, 2023 and through customer services until May 7th, 2023. 

Thank you for supporting PopJam. We’re proud that PopJam has been a safe, creative way to discover the social internet for millions of kids, thanks to our users and supporters.